Positionality Statement:

Soy el guero (light-skinned). To my family, I am guero. To the guero, I am guero. To me I am invisible because I am in the in-between. Soy Chicano. Chicano with a decolonizing agenda to heal what is impacting our barrio (neighborhood) culture, fear. Fear that is preoccupying the minds of my fellow brothers and sisters of the world with candy coded facades of what productive people “should” be doing.
I am a universal artist with multiple hands in painting, music, and writing. I am symmetrical. Rigorous scholarly training and independent study has made me so. To begin, I share a lust for the arts. I believe art inspires action and action is activated through passions desire. An artist must be made of nothing but risk. They must exert a life with a lack of restriction, a risk. If I chose to drink a glass of water, well fine, but I must drink it over a bed of flaming coals so that I could fuel the burning sensation as I walk the long fiery mile of destiny, with boiling water cleansing the horrendous stable palette of my belly. Everything has to be accompanied with discomfort, in order for real adaptation to take place.

Music should be composed with delightful vengeance under the sprouts of a volcanic spring. Writing must erupt out of the libraries of the mind and produce radical literature that imprints on the readers skin like the burn of an acid rain. Film must be engineered with opulent immersive imagery that strangles the viewer with breathless dreamcore. Fashion must match the fidgeted LOCOmotive of your passion’s urges. Clothing must be the frame of our our art because the human figure is the ultimate masterpiece.Humanities overall, is diced into a mouth-watering ceviche, comprised of diverse ingredients from around the mundo. Paz is the salsa that is drenched over it to provide salivating quenches for limitless creation and sustainability.El Mundo Paz is what I evoke and who I am; an indispensable universe within a world. This is how I survive. With large green eyes, I inherited the incorruptible sight of nature, the ability to become uniform with all that is living.

Bachelor of Music, California State University, Los Angeles
Master of Music, California State University, Los Angeles
Master of Arts in Chicano Studies, California State University, Los Angeles

I call myself Nuestra Villa because I am a representative of the gente that made me the person whom you see before you. Like nature, I recollect the minerals of their experiences and testimonios and internalize them to my roots so that I may, over and over, express an overall-conference of liberated barrio culture, which is again, by fact, suffering peacefully by the exploiter. It is my mission to inform the masses, my gente of the world, through the humanities of their own humanity. My experience as a multidisciplinary artist has made me aware of how powerful such things are when rediscovery and action are in affect. That is what art does in my eyes, it inspires action. Through my art it is my plan to engage the viewer so that they may begin to think and see more critically about the world around them. I seek to revive the ferocious revolutionaries within every creative mind than endorse paper tigers through traditional gathering. I speak from the modern human side of things; failing at the attempts of radical change because it is frustrated ferocity that allows us to break through walls, not timidness.

Community involvement is what I advocate towards in order to decolonize the damning infrastructure that embraces the barrio like an army of clouds bordering the eye of the storm.My understanding of the Chicano is not segregated to geographical area. Chicano is not a color nor a language, but a universe that encompasses lumbre, agua, and air. Outside of that nothing else matters. I speak with a world tongue because my principles are not limited by geography. As a guero, I am invisible; a force that no one will ever see coming.

- President Nuestra Villa